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RPS@PAX 2022: Our favourite booths from the show (and bonus carpet rankings)

No really, the carpet this year was *outstanding*

PAX East 2022 may be over, but we’ve still got plenty of things to talk about from our time in Boston. We have a bunch of videos in the pipeline that I can’t wait to share with you (including a fun piece exploring PAX staple collectible Pinny Arcade) but for now I think it’s about time we spoke about one of the best bits of in-person shows: the booths.

Now, we already highlighted most of the booths at PAX East in our show floor tour that we published during the event itself, but we wanted to focus on some of our favourites in a little more detail. Come and see them (and their carpets) in all their glory below. I'm not kidding about the carpets. They were astounding.

If you're thinking "gosh, I really wish I could see these exciting booths you're talking about via the format of moving pictures combined with sounds" then buddy, click that play icon and prepare to have your mind absolutely shattered.

In the video above, I take you through our five favourite booths from this year’s PAX East. I begin talking about the Motion Twin and Larian booths, two companies that opted to bring castles of various sizes with them all the way to Boston. Both castles are impressive in their own unique ways, but more than anything I just love the thought of a castle being portable. I’m hoping Larian will let me borrow their Baldur’s Gate 3 booth the next time I go to a festival. Imagine having your morning coffee on a turret while everyone else emerges from their grubby little tents. Hopefully they respond to my emails soon.

Next, I cast my focus onto the Intel and Devolver Digital booths. The Intel section was dense with custom PC builds, interesting artwork and a robot with a worryingly sexy voice. The Devolver booth on the other hand was a touch smaller, but was packed full of custom arcade machines for their upcoming projects. The Terra Nil cabinet, for example, was coated in a thick layer of moss and came complete with a dinky little wind turbine perched on its top. Lovely.

Finally, I enthuse about the TinyBuild booth, our favourite from the entire show. Themed after a carnival, the tinyBuild booth was divided up into individual sections dedicated to a specific game. The Potion Craft area was a particular highlight, featuring a mysterious tent filled with magical paraphernalia.

Which booth was your favourite? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Alternatively, if you have any carpet related opinions or anecdotes you can let me know those as well.

If you’re looking for more PAX East stuff, why not check out our interview with the director of Cursed To Golf or our compilation of the best cosplay we saw on the show floor. Alternatively, head on over to our dedicated RPS@PAX page to have a nosey at everything we’ve made so far.

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Liam Richardson avatar

Liam Richardson

Video Producer

Liam is RPS’s vid bud. When he’s not obsessing over the finer details of digital cities and theme parks, he’s probably getting very excited about a colourful indie game that stars a nice frog. A huge fan of everything PC gaming-related, Liam has a particular fondness for classic 90s shooters and Team Fortress 2.

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