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Like A Dragon: Ishin patch fixes stutters, crashes and UI issues

More on the way

Like A Dragon: Ishin rewinds the Yakuza/Like A Dragon series, both by returning to real-time brawling and by being set in Edo period Japan. It's great for it - and now a little better, since patch 1.03 fixed some PC-specific bugs.

Released yesterday, patch 1.03 is focused on fixes and performance improvements, according to the notes. On PC, it fixes "stuttering when effects are first loaded", plus rare crashes on startup, UI elements being out of place on ultra-wide displays, and improves monitor selection and resolution setttings when you're using multiple monitors.

There are a bunch of other fixes that apply to the PC as well as other platforms, including some "unexpectedly teleporting" enemies, one bug that stopped progress, and several other smaller issues. Apparently another patch is on the way with more bug fixes and "balance adjustments," too.

Ed found little fault in his Like A Dragon: Ishin review. calling it "a step backwards in the best way":

Yakuza's substories (side quests) are legendary, not only for their humour and surprising depth, but also for reflecting each game's setting in the silliest of ways. Ishin provides some of the series' finest examples yet when it comes to supplementing its murder-mystery melodrama with stories rooted in 1800s Japan. One example being a run-in with a teacher who drags you into a geography lesson of his, all because he's embarrassed that he can't pinpoint any of the countries on a globe he's been gifted by a pupil's parents.

Ed has also done us the favour of explaining what order you should play the Like A Dragon games in. I really should follow his advice and return to Yakuza 0.

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Graham Smith


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