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Hitman 3 owners on Steam are getting a free upgrade worth over £20

As apologies for a rough launch

Hitman 3 had a rough launch on Steam last week, quickly gathering 50% negative user reviews. Many of the complaints related to price and confusion over the various editions on sale.

To make amends, Io Interactive are giving anyone who buys Hitman 3 on Steam before February 19th a free upgrade. If you buy the standard edition (£50/$60), you'll be bumped up to the Deluxe Edition (£75/$90). If you bought the Deluxe Edition, you'll get a free upgrade to the Seven Deadly Sins Collection (which on its own costs £23.73 with its 15% launch discount).

In either instance, you're getting an upgrade to a version of the game that costs roughly £25/$30 more than what you paid.

"Our Hitman 3 launch on Steam didn't go as planned. We were excited to bring Hitman 3 to Steam with new content and we knew that anticipation and excitement levels amongst our Steam players was high, especially as the game had been an Epic exclusive for a year," begins the Io support page announcing the upgrades. "Ultimately, we didn't meet our own expectations of a launch experience and we don't like that our Steam community is beginning their Hitman 3 journey in this way."

The free upgrades went live yesterday, with new content from the upgrade available the next time you launch the game.

At the time of writing, Steam's positive reviews have trickled up to 56%. It's still a long way from what the actual game deserves, given it was one of our favourite games of 2021.

That said, not all the complaints about the Steam release were about the package, as some users also found the new-to-PC VR implementation rough, among other issues.

Hitman 3 has a second year of additional content incoming, including new missions, elusive targets, and a roguelike mode.

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Graham Smith


Graham used to be to blame for all this.

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