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Final Fantasy XVI gets a new trailer, summer 2023 release window

The Dominance trailer shows off it summons

Final Fantasy XVI has released another trailer. This one's for showing off the summons and giving it a release window of summer next year. Summons for the summer!

The trailer introduces us to the Eikons, which is the in-universe term for the summons that will clash on the battlefield as war breaks out. There are eight of them here: Phoenix, Titan, Garuda, Ramuh, Shiva, Odin, Bahamut, and Ifrit. A blog post by the developers gives a little more information on the Titan and Garuda specifically, as well as their Dominants - the people who control them, who are also featured in the trailer.

The blog post also notes how far along the game is in development. According to producer Yoshida Naoki, it is in "the final leg of development and is focusing on polish." Director Hiroshi Takai added that while it's playable from start to finish, "from optimization to brush-up, there is still a mountain of challenges to tackle as we head into our final push." Making games is a long process!

I was carefully trying not to mention the extreme dad energy that I was getting from the protagonist being called Clive until I found out that Alice O already pointed it out. And thank goodness. Clive!! Clive is the name of the man who is currently telling everyone about his latest fishing trip in great detail at the Jubilee street party.

Final Fantasy XVI will bring Clive and friends to your PC some time in summer next year.

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Jay Castello


Jay writes about video games, falls down endless internet rabbit holes, and takes a lot of pictures of flowers.

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